Saturday 23 September 2017


Your loved ones forgot
to play their role
they loved you?
ahh not at all
stop showing
your love in whole
hey my decent
& honest sole
hide your pain
hide your woes
what you facing
no one knows
as much you think
as your pain grows
nothing is yours
& no one is your close..


Unknown said...

Hey My Soul ::::---
You have blatantly put across stark reality saying "No one is close"-----Yes !This is the way of the world----Wonderful poem---Excellent share!-----Well done !!

Unknown said...

Hey My Soul ::::---
You have blatantly put across stark reality saying "No one is close"-----Yes !This is the way of the world----Wonderful poem---Excellent share!-----Well done !!

Unknown said...

Received your earlier messages Sonia --- You've genuinely shown the shortcomings of this new version of this site----The fellow poets are rather reluctant to leave comments instead they prefer giving likes !!----It seems general tendency---It's not that they dislike poems posted --So please don't get discouraged-----I think we can make our posting meaningful and lively through conversation,comments,replies,messages only !!--Hopefully things will improve !!!--
Have a blissful day !!

Unknown said...

Received your earlier messages Sonia --- You've genuinely shown the shortcomings of this new version of this site----The fellow poets are rather reluctant to leave comments instead they prefer giving likes !!----It seems general tendency---It's not that they dislike poems posted --So please don't get discouraged-----I think we can make our posting meaningful and lively through conversation,comments,replies,messages only !!--Hopefully things will improve !!!--
Have a blissful day !!

Sonia Writing Zone said...

thank you so much sir..
i value your lovely comment

Sonia Writing Zone said...

yes sure sir..
thank you so much for visiting here sir